L'Oreal Infallible The Super Slim Liquid Eyeliner

L'Oreal Infallible The Super Slim Liquid Eyeliner

What's the skinny on the L'Oreal Infallible Super Slim Liquid Eyeliner?

In the ongoing quest for perfect liquid eyeliner pen I move along to L'Oreal, who previous let me down with the awful Matte-matic eyeliner pencil. While that one sucked, I do love the Silkissime eyeliners and the Infallible gel eyeliner pencil that's super super pitch dark deep as pitch black. I was originally looking for their dupe of Lancome's Art Liner (since L'Oreal owns Lancome and YSL it's easy to find L'Oreal versions of a few things from each brand) but couldn't find it, and this one ended up catching my eye instead.

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Pixi Lash Line Ink Liquid Eyeliner Pen

Pixi Lash Line Ink Liquid Eyeliner Pen

So far, I really like Pixi as a brand and wish I hadn't overlooked them all these years. Pixi H20 Skin Tint is amazing, their Endless Silky Eyeliners are awesome, a lot of their Skin Treats lines are faves so I was coasting on high hopes for the Lash Line Ink Liquid Eyeliner pen to be the stuff of liquid liner pen dreams.

Alas, you can't always get what you want.

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A Very Fallible Eyeliner That Failed

A Very Fallible Eyeliner That Failed

There's a popular NY-based beauty blogger who, while I don't always agree with her opinions, generally doesn't miss the mark much on reviewing products. So when she raved about the newer member of the Infallible eyeliner family, L'Oreal Infallible Matte-Matic Mechanical Eyeliner as being creamy and fitting in well with the new generation of drugstore eyeliners that aren't waxiness awfulness on a stick, I decided to give it a try.

$8, 5 minutes per eye, and sore lids later, I got to ask....what the actual hell do people see in this liner???

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