Shea Moisture Sensitive Skin Cleansing Oil
/ LaurenSpoilers: it burns!

Do you like cleansers that work well, smell great or maybe don't smell much at all, and don't burn the ever loving crap out of your eyes?
Then for the love of God, skip the Shea Moisture Peace Rose Oil Complex Sensitive Skin Facial Cleansing Oil.
To its credit, it removes makeup decently, but will make your eyes sting like a mofo and smell awful in the process. Totally not worth it, thank you very much!
And it's so disappointing because the ingredients list looked so promising: sunflower oil, rose flower oil, camellia leaf...but alas. A few good ingredients don't make a preduct great.
Normally I've had good success with the Shea Moisture line, but this product is a total dud. Save your money, save your peepers, and opt for something else.
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