Small Update: New Blog Category, Etc.

I've ended up working about 50 hours this week between day job and picking up some extra hours doing content marketing elsewhere, so apologies for less posts this week. Since I spent last weekend prepping taxes, I didn't get ahead as I try to with writing out post drafts for the week. Basically, this week has been too much adulting and not enough time for blogging.

As for new blog category, I want to explore doing a few Op Ed pieces every now and then, that aren't necessarily travel or beauty, or sometimes are but aren't quite reviews or tips. IE- I've moved my last post into the Op Ed category instead of travel because I felt it fit better there.

I also wanted to ask, what type of content would you like to see more of? More tips and trick, more reviews, inspirational posts? Let me know in the comments!




Now's The Time To Seize The Day: Or Why I've Chosen to Prioritize Travel

Now's The Time To Seize The Day: Or Why I've Chosen to Prioritize Travel

This is a bit of a different post today, and I suppose we can thank Facebook for this. You know that quirky feature where it reminds you of a memory from a year or few years ago? For me, the past few days have been Facebook Memories of the trip we took last year to Disneyworld with a large of group friends. It was fun, there were happy memories, but it was also a very bittersweet trip.

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